Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Aren't these guys just darling? They are my third and fourth penguins that I've made. I initially got the request from my boss to make a penguin and when I brought it in to show him, he bought it on the spot for his granddaughter. Then I made my second one and before I could even list it on etsy, friends bought him for their nephew's birthday. And so here are the next ones up. I worked on them on Monday when I was at home on the couch sick.

Quick catch-up on life: Atlanta and back on Saturday for the Atl Tattoo Convention and Ikea; Sunday hit up a sale at Joanne's for more felt and then home feeling sick. Monday at home with a sore throat, but enjoying the fact that at least we have cable again. Thought that I was getting better but home again this afternoon with an even worse sore throat and wheezing. I'm hopeful that it's just a chest cold and not bronchitis. At least it's a lovely rainy day to be inside and on the couch.