Friday, February 2, 2007

memoirs of those on the outside looking out

I was cataloging atoday and came across a series that I found really exciting. Subterranean Lives: Chronicles of Alternative America is a series published by Rutgers University Press dedicated to reprinting memoirs and first-hand accounts of individuals of stigmatized subcultures including
memoirs by men and women who lived, whether by circumstance, inclination, or design, outside of the bounds of normative bourgeois experience. They include tramps, sexworkers, cultists, criminals, drug addicts, physically disabled people, sexual minorities, bohemians, revolutionaries, and other individuals who have survived on the margins, within the interstices, and across the boundaries of American society.

Ask your library if they've got any of these books in their catalog and encourage them to order them in the future.


andrea said...

pam will be proud.. let's hear it for new jersey!!

anna said...

Ask your library if they've got any of these books in their catalog and encourage them to order them in the future.

ha ha. the libraries here in jackson county, oregon, will be closing on april 7th of this year. how stoked am i to live in ashland now?!